Interdisciplinary Design of Timber Structures

  • type: Lecture / Excercise
  • semester: Master
  • time:

    Tu 15:45 - 17:15

  • start: Tuesday 22.04. 15:45 - 17:15, Building 10.50 Room 502, Campus South, Timber Structures Library
  • lecturer:

    Prof. Dietsch / Prof. La Magna

  • sws: 4
  • ects: 6
  • lv-no.: 6213803
  • information:

    Successful completion of the module "Timber Structures: Materials and Appropriate Design" is recommended.

Competence Goal

After participating in the module Interdisciplinary Design of Timber Structures, students will be able to understand and apply the following governing requirements in the design process of a structure:

  • recognize the relationship between architectural design, material selection, support structure and structural details.
  • develop structural concepts, identify promising variants based on considerations of material, function, design and plausibility, and finally detail a structural design in a progressive process up to feasibility
  • integrate divergent requirements from different disciplines into their structural design (teamwork and interdisciplinarity)
  • present their results precisely, clearly and within the given time frame using the usual means of presentation (lecture, plans, reports, models)
  • to be able to quickly abstract meaningful answers to design-specific questions within the framework of the interim and final presentations on the basis of the specialist knowledge acquired by then
  • to recognize and understand other, among others discipline-specific perspectives and to derive practical consequences for a good interdisciplinary cooperation (supported by House of Competence)


The module is aimed at students of architecture and civil engineering and promotes integrative work between the closely related disciplines. Constructive design is practiced on the basis of an annually changing design task, which is worked on in teams of two to four students from the different disciplines. Each brings his or her special knowledge to the design process in order to develop a detailed project together from the beginning. The groups are supervised by teaching assistants from the two participating institutions. Structural design and development is divided into three phases:

  • structural concept (design planning): Presentation and explanation of the selected primary load-bearing systems for the individual parts of the building, as well as delimitation and evaluation against optional load-bearing systems.
  • elaboration and dimensioning (approval planning): Structure of the supporting structure/positioning; determination of the actions, loads and internal forces on the supporting structure; dimensioning and sizing of the primary support system, if necessary pre-dimensioning of other necessary supporting elements; presentation as well as dimensioning of the bracing system; dimensioning and sizing of selected detail points
  • representation, detailing and construction planning (detailed design): Floor plan, elevations, sections, if necessary axonometry and presentation model of the load-bearing and bracing system, presentation of 2-3 selected detail points, explanations on prefabrication, transport and assembly, explanations on possibilities of disassembly/reusability and recycling.

Each of the three phases will be concluded with a presentation of the intermediate results (phases 1 and 2) or the final result. The project is accompanied by the House of Competence through workshops on interdisciplinary cooperation, teamwork and communication skills. The module takes place weekly. During this time, the individual groups are supervised by staff members of the participating chairs. At least 30 minutes of meeting time are scheduled per group. In addition, collective consultation hours are offered with all groups on global issues concerning design, construction, structural analysis and detailing. In addition, the lecturers will give impulse presentations.


The work on the design project will be done in teams of students of Architecture an Civil Engineering. For the supervision of the team work 1 CP can be credited as Interdisciplinary Qualifications by HoC. For the parts on teamwork, which are accompanied by the House of Competence (HoC), 1 LP can be acquired as 'Interdisciplinary Qualification' or as additional accomplishment


course 'Basics in Timber Structures' (6200507); module Timber Structures [bauiM1S12-BAUING-HB]


Herzog, T., Natterer, J.; Holzbau Atlas, Detail Verlag, 2003
Kaufmann, H., Krötsch, S., Winter, S.; Atlas Mehrgeschossiger Holzbau,, Edition Detail, 2021
Kolb, J.; Holzbau mit System, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2020