Building Construction (V)

  • type: lecture
  • semester: 3. semester, bachelor
  • place:

    Audimax, Building 30.95

  • time:

    Tu 08:00 - 09:30

  • start: first week of semester
  • lecturer:

    Prof. Dietsch

  • sws: 2
  • ects: 6
  • lv-no.: 6200310
  • information:

    The first lecture will take place on 24.10.2023

    The start password for the ILIAS course is BKL2024

Competence Goal

The students can explain the normative requirements for building physics related aspects of a building as well as the associated analytical verifications. They can describe the physical aspects concerning heat protection, moisture protection, noise control and fire protection as well as the application of these physical relationships on structures and construction elements.

The students understand the basic requirements for buildings. They can define common construction methods, structural and bracing systems and describe the functional principle of typical structural elements and connections. They are able to determine loads and explain load transfer and the flow of forces in buildings. Based on the choice of structural elements, they are able to trace loads analytically to the foundation and verify simple structural elements, even under time pressure. The students are able to understand the protection objectives and basic principles of the building shell, to distinguish the main types of construction and functional principles of the foundation, the exterior walls, the ceiling and roof structure and to describe their respective properties and areas of application.


Building Physics:

  • heat and moisture transport processes
  • thermal protection in winter and summer
  • development of molds and condensation protection
  • principles of noise control and fire protection in buildings

Building Construction:

The focus is on a physical, causal knowledge. Prior knowledge in mechanics and building physics is applied, supplemented by essential constructive aspects and placed in the context of building construction.

  • •    requirements for buildings
  • •    safety concept and loads
  • •    construction methods, structural systems, structural elements, connections
  • •    bracing systems
  • •    basic principles of the building shell
  • •    roof, ceiling and wall constructions
  • •    foundations


  • Notes on "Building physics"
  • Lutz, Jenisch, Klopfer et. al: Lehrbuch der Bauphysik. Schall, Wärme, Feuchte, Licht, Brand, Klima. Teubner Verlag
  • Hohmann, Setzer, Wehling: Bauphysikalische Formeln und Tabellen. Wärmeschutz, Feuchteschutz, Schallschutz. Werner Verlag
  • Gösele, Schüle, Künzel: Schall, Wärme, Feuchte. Grundlagen, neue Erkenntnisse und Ausführungshinweise für den Hochbau. Bauverlag
  • Skript (Vorlesungsfolien) „Baukonstruktionslehre“. Eine Mitschrift durch die Studierenden ist erforderlich.
  • Moro, J.L.: Baukonstruktion – vom Prinzip zum Detail, Springer Vieweg
  • Hestermann, Rongen: Frick/Knöll – Baukonstruktionslehre 1, Springer Vieweg
  • Dierks, Wormuth (Hrsg.): Baukonstruktion, Werner Verlag
  • Kuff, Schwalbenhofer, Strohm: Tragwerke: als Elemente der Gebäude- und Innenraumgestaltung, Springer Vieweg
  • Albert, Schneider (Hrsg.): Schneider Bautabellen für Ingenieure, Reguvis Verlag