List of INTER Papers
The papers of the meeting will be available for the participants of the meeting on this server.
As soon as the papers arrive they are available for downloading.
Participants of the meeting receive the access code for downloading the papers after registration.
Here is a zip file containing all papers
During our meeting we will have a session called “Notes.” It should be possible to present 8 to 10 notes within this session, so a time limit of 10 minutes is essential. It is intended that these notes will be included in the proceedings so that they should not exceed three pages in length. Please send your note (Email) at least two weeks before the meeting and they will also be available for download.
Timber Columns
57 - 2 - 1 Lateral Torsional Buckling of Glulam Beam-Columns: Axial Compression and Bending Verification - J Töpler, U Kuhlmann, J Schänzlin
Stress Grading
57 - 5 - 1 Derivation of Visual Grading Assignments for Turkish Red Pine and Scots Pine Graded in Accordance with Turkish Standard TS 1265- 2012 - F Kurul, M Özdemir, T Yılmaz, M Arslan, S Ermiş, T Dündar
Stresses for Solid Timber
57 - 6 - 1 Strength Grading of Saturated Softwood Foundation Piles - G Pagella, G Ravenshorst, M Mirra, J-W van de Kuilen
Timber Joints and Fasteners
57 - 7 - 1 Fatigue Behaviour of in Tension Axially-Loaded Self-Tapping Screws - R Brandner
57 - 7 - 3 On Stiffness and Strength of Glued-in Rods and Threaded Rods Parallel to the Grain - C Binck, A Frangi
57 - 7 - 4 Embedment Strength of Glued-in Rods and Dowels Oriented Parallel to Grain - S Aicher, K Simon
57 - 7 - 5 A Proposal for the Stiffness of Steel-Timber Dowel-Type Connections - L Buchholz, U Kuhlmann, J Gauß
57 - 7 - 6 Design Proposal for the Final Slip Modulus of Dowel-Type Timber
Connections Based on the Beam-on-Foundation (BoF) Approach - R Lemaître, M Schweigler, E Binder, E Sauvignet, J-F Bocquet
57 - 7 - 7 Parametrization of the Non-Linear Behaviour of Timber Joints with Self-Tapping Screws - D Caprio, R Jockwer, A Ringhofer
57 - 7 - 8 The Effective Timber Thickness for Brittle Failure Assessment of Dowel-Type Connections - C D Aquino, M Schweigler, L Rodrigues, R Lemaître, J-F Bocquet, J M Branco, T K Bader,
57 - 7 - 9 Brittle Failure Modes of Connections with Dowel-Type Fasteners Loaded Parallel to the Grain: A Comparison Between Eurocode 5 and CSA O86 - J M Cabrero, N L Rodriguez, T Tannert, A Salenikovich, Y H Chui
57 - 7 - 10 Design Brittle Failure Capacities of Connections with Dowel-Type Fasteners Laterally Loaded Parallel to Grain and Reinforced - R Lemaître, D Lathuillière, J-F Bocquet
57 - 7 - 11 Reinforcements for Compression Perpendicular to Grain of CLT Elements with Fully Threaded Screws: Experimental Validation of the Design Model- R Maderebner, T Stieb, L Rathiens, R Tomasi
Laminated Members
57 - 12 - 1 Punching-Shear Resistance of Point-Supported CLT Panels - H Ganjali, T Tannert, Md Shahnewaz, C Dickof, M Popovski
57 - 12 - 2 Comparison of Calculation Methods for Application on Veneer-Reinforced Timber with Standard Lamella - N Kainz, P Aondio, M Danzer, S Winter
57 - 12 - 3 Strength and Stiffness of Adhesively Bonded Timber-Steel Composite Beams - S Aurand, P Haase, J Boretzki, M Albiez, P Dietsch, T Ummenhofer
Structural Stability
57 - 15 - 1 OSB Sheathed Timber-Framed Shear Walls with Optimized Performance for Horizontal Loading - N Manser, R Steiger, M Geiser, A Frangi
57 - 15 - 2 Proposal for an Analytical Model of Light Timber-Framed Shear Walls with additional Cladding - L Rauber, B Hoffmeister
57 - 15 - 3 Seismic Performance of Braced Timber Frames - M Popovski, Z Chen
57 - 15 - 4 Investigation on the Performance of Platform-Type Coupled-Panel CLT Shear Walls under Seismic Conditions - J Chen, F Lam, M Li, M Popovski
57 - 15 - 5 Investigating the In-Plane Rigid Diaphragm Conditions of Cross Laminated Timber Floors for Seismic Design - G D'Arenzo, V Nicolussi, P Rigo, L Pozza, A Polastri, D Casagrande
57 - 15 - 6 Design Implications for Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Walls Connected to Perpendicular Walls - G D’Arenzo, E M Ruggeri, J Hummel, M Fossetti, W Seim
57 - 16 - 1 Structural Means for Fire-Safe Green Façade Design on Multi-Storey Buildings - T Engel, S Winter
57 - 20 - 1 Comfort Assessment of Timber Floor Vibration - M Felicita, R Roijakkers, R Cojocaru, G Ravenshorst
Note 1 Beech LVL and moisture – a known challenge - C Sandhaas
Note 2 Withdrawal Capacity of Coated Ring Shank Nails - A Ceylan, Z C Girgin
Note 3 An Ecologic Lightweight Suggestion for Concrete Layer of CLT-Composite Floors - Z C Girgin